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ICON 2021+ Ford F-150 Tubular Upper Control Arm Delta Joint Kit - 98502DJ

Suspension Control Arm


Fits: ICON 2021-2023 F150 TUBULAR UCA DJ KIT

Not Available
Pricing: $879.95


These upper control arms feature ICON's patented Delta Joint. The Delta Joint is a heavy duty high angle ball joint that combines the durability of a ball joint with the performance characteristics of a traditional uniball. While the industry standard uniball does a great job of allowing the control arms of a vehicle to articulate with little bind, they do have an inherent weakness that leaves more to be desired when used in a daily driven application - exposure to the elements. The Delta Joint features a zinc plated housing providing the first layer of corrosion resistance, while a tough grease seal keeps potentially harmful elements out of the inner workings of the joint. Metal on metal construction and a greasable design increase the longevity of the Delta Joint while at the same time allowing for noise-free operation. What makes the Delta Joint unique is that it brings the best of both worlds to ICON upper control arms with features that make it more robust than a uniball, and at the same time capable of greater angularity than a typical ball joint.

  • TECH NOTE: Not compatible with models equipped with Continuous Control Damping (CCD) system



Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 19.7 lbs.
  • W13.2000” x H9.1000” x L17.3000”
  • Free Shipping

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